03 February 2023

Your BIOS is broken; bad RMRR


This happened:

"Your BIOS is broken; bad RMRR"

Oh joys.


31 January 2023

EVGA Nvidia GTX 980 passthrough in Proxmox does not work.

EVGA Nvidia GTX 980 passthrough in Proxmox does not work.

I've basically tried everything at this point so far and nothing has been able to passthrough my EVGA Nvidia GTX 980 SC w/ ACX 2.0 to a Windows 10 VM in Proxmox 7.3-3.

I figured that I would leave this nugget for people to find, should other people attempt the same in the future.

It didn't matter what settings I used for the /etc/pve/qemu-server/<<VMID>>.conf and/or /etc/default/grub.

Nothing worked. Save yourself a lot of time and skip trying.

I get the Windows Code Error 43 where it can tell that it is a GTX 980, but it can't start the driver for it.